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Опубликованно: 28.04.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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At the waters surface is floating junk and bits of peat and some of it later on settled down.
Once the samples have completely settled I put the ruler against the side of the jar to measure the depth of the soil sample. The total depth of soil is 5.6 cm. The clay layer is about 0.1 cm, silt layer about 2 cm and sand layer 3.5 cm.
These measurements I divide like this:
1 mm / 56 mm = 0.018mm
20mm / 56mm = 0.357mm
35mm / 56mm = 0.625mm
Then I multiply these up by 100 to get the average percentage.
The clay layer is 2%
The silt layer is 35%
The sand layer is 63%
The best ratio is when the sand and silt layer is 40% each and clay layer is 20%.
In conclusion from where I took soil, that place will need a lot of watering because the sand is much too high and the clay is really low. The sand can dry up real quick but the clay holds on to water very well.…

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