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Опубликованно: 13.05.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 11 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Bird strike damage    3
1.1.  Location of damages    4
2.  Why Birds Like Airports    6
3.  Bird strike reporting    7
3.1.  What to report    7
4.  Prevention of bird strikes    8
4.1.  Habitat management    8
4.2.  Bird behavior modification    9
4.3.  Modifying aircrafts    9
4.4.  Bird detection systems    10
5.  Conclusions    12
6.  References    13
Фрагмент работы

5. Conclusions
With general aviation becoming more and more common, and air travel becomes more accessible the number of planes in the sky increases and thus the problem with bird strikes increases too. Although the consequences from bird strikes in most cases are not severe, with most of the damage being economical, they can lead to serious safety concerns to human life too.
Mostly it is preferred to use methods that are harmless or mostly harmless to the birds and other wild life. Preferring to simply deter them and make them choose new place of habitat, than eliminating them. As just eliminating will still keep more and more new birds appear over time but deterring stops bird gathering near airports in general.
Bird strike prevention is a complex system that involves modifications to the area surrounding the airport, staff responsible of controlling the area and manual deterring of the birds, modifications to the buildings, and to the planes themselves, all working together to lessen the chance of bird strike occurrences and lessen the chance of future occurrences.…

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