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Опубликованно: 14.04.2022.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

The "society without false news" theory
Can you imagine the society is completely free from fakes? The absolute isolation of the country does not mean the absence of misinformation and the absence of any fake symptoms. For example, people do not use photo and video editor, Instagram pages don't bother superstars, they don't have pictures of beautiful rides and delicious food. Instead, images are published that have not been processed in Photoshop and faces without makeup (after all, makeup also covers the present face). Neither Facebook nor Twitter has a hint of HYIP1 (after all, he is mainly rises due to unconfirmed information). Officials do not call any information fake that they do not like or undermine their authority, do not enter into a "cold war" with bloggers and do not urge to apologize to the public, which does not understand who right andn who is not. Religion and religious values? This is a very difficult question, right? Is it possible to talk about beliefs when people rely only information that they can see with their own eyes?
It's hard for us to imagine anything like that at all, especially when we've grown up with it all. The juniors of today and the generations that will be after us, I think, could not even imagine that this would be possible. …

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