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Опубликованно: 24.03.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

It is hard time in the United States of America because many ecanomists and

managers really don’t understand the situation in USA ecanomics and they are not sure

what will happen in future.

As the economy of Us isn’t exelent now , Washington was hoping that economy

will balance back by attacking Iraq. Bush has cut taxes, which I think was too fast

because it causes problems in many industries. People can’t trust each other now,

but as we know that buisnes can work only then when businessmen trust their

partners and investigators .

People doesn’t trust their busines leaders or their
partners. There are deep divisions opening up in
US society. (1)

I think that Bush’ s government had gainst many thing from ecanomic view from Iraq

but their are not sure how to use that what they had gotten. People are cheating just

because government doesn’t know how to do their job in the way it’s suppose to be done

in economics. People are not stupid in fact they see what is happening. When Bush

cut taxes it made society and businessmen confused it was great cut. Bush hoped

that the well of off who benefited from tax cuts would spend more. However it appears

that businessmen are using their money insted to reduce and reorganise their debts and

piling up cash. So the saving rate has gone up. Bush government hasn’t halped either by

trying to simulate the via tax cuts reather than increasing government spending.(2)

I think that Bush confused everybody because this step of his showed that he is

having his own way without prepearing his society to that (changes).…

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