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Опубликованно: 26.01.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 33 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
Chapter 1.  Introduction    2
1.1  Introduction    2
1.2  Goal    2
1.3  Problem    3
Chapter 2.  General Background    04
2.1  Literature Study    04
2.2  Concepts of Renewable Energy    06
2.3  General statistics of The Netherlands    13
Chapter 3.  Research and Study    14
3.1  Introduction of research    14
3.2  Application of Sustainable Technology    20
3.2.1  Energy calculations    20
  Gasoline car, Hydrogen car, Electric car   
3.2.2  Energy balance sheet    21
3.3  Reformation of regular transport habits    21
Chapter 4.  Advisory    26
Chapter 5.  Conclusion    27
Chapter 6.  Reference list    28
Фрагмент работы

The current situation of the environment we are facing today is the severe climate change, limited amount of crude oil, the melting ice caps in the poles, the rising sea level and the growing of CO2 concentration that caused by all sorts of human activities. Review the history of human beings, there is no record that shows the CO2 concentration has ever reached such a high level in which we have today. 380ppm(IPCC) is the latest CO2 concentration we have in record, when people around the world continually live in their own lifestyles or way of behaviours, once the CO2 concentration reaches 450ppm (according to the prediction by IPCC) which means an increase of temperature 2 degrees Celsius that the majority believes the world would certainly be in a chaos. Sceptics of the climate change may claim the earth in the past had also reached a high level of CO2 concentration, but in fact never as intense as we are today. In 1997, Kyoto Protocol had a significant agreement with many countries over the world, which stated the total emission from 2008 to 2012 should reduce 5% then the total emission in 1990. Last year the world climate change conference held in Copenhagen was highly expected for a profound conclusion, unfortunately seldom effective countries guaranteed any promise upon the problem, therefore in result it was a failure. However, climate change is really urgent issue to be resolved in the coming future, thousands and millions of lives are threatened by the natural disasters. Finally, what kinds of method or technology would be possible solutions towards the current situation are considered as the goal.…

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