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Опубликованно: 27.01.2022.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 8 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

1. Fasting during Ramadan unites Muslims around the world in different time zones.
2. Those who suffer from illnesses, are pregnant and children, until they reach puberty, are not obligated to fast.
3. The Islamic calendar is known as the Hijrah calendar, which is based on the moon phase. The Islamic calendar has 354 days, therefore, Ramadan can fall in any season of the year.
4. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world.
5. Islam is the official religion of the UAE.
6. UAE is a diverse union: 76% Muslims, 9% Christian, approximately 10% Hindu or Buddhist faiths, and less than 5% other religions.
7. To protect traditions, heritage, and values from conflict with other nations Ministry of Interior has created Ramadan: Legal Considerations.
8. All necessary data regards Ramadan and its restrictions and procedures during the fasting is easily accessible from The United Arab Emirates Government portal (https://u.ae/en/#/), therefore, Ramadan should not be a conflict in an intercultural context, when visiting or living in The UAE.
9. Ramadan is an important part of Islam, when visiting Muslim countries additional research on Ramadan traditions is necessary as a lack of background knowledge can lead to legal punishments.

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