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Опубликованно: 20.05.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

According to the Slovak Ministry of Finances Ivan Miklos the new regulations that passed in October 2005 (HN, 2005) will increase transparent, objectivity and suppress all previously mentioned negatives. These norms have divided the Slovak republic into three zones according the level of unemployment and according them will be set up the maximum percentage of state support for new investment. For example the east part of Slovakia which belongs to the third zone can get the maximum state support which will be 50 % out of the whole amount of investment (HN, 2005). New regulations are also dividing the importance of investments according their business orientation. The most important will be highly sophisticated investments like pharmacy, research laboratories and similar. Another big change is that also domestic producers will have chance to get state support. There will be no more difference between domestic and foreign investment and the state will consider both with equal importance. The last important decision making factor for the state representative will be the amount of investment and number of employees that should get the work. According the new regulation each investment above 10 billions of Sk and more than 1000 work positions can get the status of strategic investment. This status allows breaking all previously mentioned rules and can get absolutely different support.
The next step in supporting international business in the Slovak republic will be reforming of the state agency SARIO which is responsible for informing foreign investors.
Opinions of several economic experts
Here is the list of several interesting statement from few economic experts in the Slovak republic. They are very helpful in searching for the best consensus regarding regulations of the state support of foreign investments.

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