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Опубликованно: 20.11.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

The biggest question is – what is business? After 30 minutes thinking I finally had a summary in my head. Business is all around us. It means that business is at home, in school, everywhere, even on us, because the clothes are business too. You will ask why? Here, let me explain you:
Business is in many types:
Industrial business
Commercial business
Financial business
Consultative business
Everything around us is business, only in different types. You should now imagine it, because the clothes what you were, are business.All what is written in this report is only my view.
Industrial business
I already explained what business in my mind is, but now I would like to look closer what are its types. So, industrial business, what does it mean? Industrial already says that something is being made. It means that some good is being made to sell it and get some profit. In 90% all types of business are being done, to earn profit. In other 10% it is being done to make costumers life easier. Back to industrial, for example where is industrial business? Take a closer look in the mirror, what do you see? Yourself, because the mirror is being made too, then clothes on you are made too, shoes, jewelry, and make-up, everything what is on you that is being made by somebody, that means industrial business.…

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