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However, many people disagree that we should take one view over the other. Arch Priestess Tamara Forslun, of the Church of Wicca Australia, countered, "We cannot remove something from this world because of fear and ignorance. These are children's books, and as long as they are not nasty, cruel, ridiculous in any way or show witches as evil, obscene creatures, then there is no cause for mudslinging or legal retaliation."
Cultural Relativity is not often stressed when it comes to arguing against book censorship, the idea that not everyone was raised the same way, nor has the same values. Not everyone has been raised as a Christian nor in a Christian environment. I would like to stress as I always do, that there is a difference between being a Christian and being an American. Being a Christian, I represent Christ and what he would want for the world and what is best for those around me. I should love my brother because that was what Christ wanted for all of us. But as an American, I represent the idea that not everyone has the same beliefs as me, and not everyone has to abide by the same religious convictions that I have. So having both of those convictions I need to have an open minded opinion, and consider what this country was founded on, and represent that because that is loving my neighbor.

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