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Опубликованно: 06.05.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2000–2010 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    2
2.  Marketing – industry analysis (Porter’s Five Forces)    3
3.  General concept of a hotel    8
4.  Hotel operations and organization chart    9
4.1.  Hotel’s organization chart    9
4.2.  Front office’s organization chart    11
4.3.  Housekeeping’s organization chart    12
5.  Food and beverage concept    13
5.1.  Concept of a canteen and its organization chart    13
5.2.  Concept of a restaurant and its organization chart    16
6.  Conclusion    17
7.  List of sources    19
Фрагмент работы

The type of hotel which the group has to focus on is a ski resort hotel. As an area of interest where to locate the hotel one decided to use Czech Republic. A country famous for its ski resorts, great food and beer, exceptional culture, hospitability and access to many slopes. Czech Republic, besides its abilities to satisfy the most demanding skiers as well as tourist who want to relax, lacks very luxurious hotels, directed only to the most demanding and richest customers.
Because of this shortage of luxurious ski resort, boutique hotels, the group decided to present an idea of building such a hotel, with unique facilities, design, high quality services and personal care of each customer. All those facilities are designed in order to provide the sophistication of a hotel, highest customer satisfaction and thus the rising brand loyalty.
The specific location of the group’s choice is Harrachov, because as it is said:

Harrachov is one of the most important Czech centers of mountain hiking and skiing; several winter sport events take place in Harrachov regularly. The whole region is of increasing importance for alpine tourism in Central Europe. Located near the Elbe river's source in the Krkonoše, it is known for its internationally used ski jumping facilities.1

Therefore Harrachov is not only a well-equipped ski resort but also a place of many important, international sport events, which raise its attractiveness in the eyes of many customers.
What is also worth mentioning, the group decides to locate the hotel in Czech Republic, not in Austria, Switzerland or Italy. This concept is part of promotion, development and therefore rising interest in new European Union members, which are not yet so popular among the tourists from Western Europe. So building such a luxurious hotel in Harrachov ski resort can even enhance the tourism in Czech Republic and gradually develop the country to be competitive it its Western neighbors.…

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