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Опубликованно: 12.03.2018.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 22 единиц
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7 Conclusion
Danish Crown is a limited liability company owned by the Supplier association Danish
Crown AmbA. The company is owned by Danish farmers, and is led by an elected leadership with Kjeld Johannesen in the lead. The organizational structure is a four-legged structure with group management at the top, followed by the divisions DC Fresh Meat, DC Foods and Trading, each with their sub-units and subsidiaries.
The company’s ownership is based on a democratic platform where one man has one vote. It can be difficult to involve all members of a group of this size, when making decisions. A business is operated in order to make money. As a leader you have to make decisions that ultimately benefit the company's competitiveness. The rescue package DC Future was aimed to reduce labour costs by 600 million DKK and requirements were simple. Either the
employees take a cut in pay; otherwise the jobs will be allocated to countries where wages are much lower than the Danish. This is where the shareholders feel that there are decisions made, without them getting involved, precisely because the Democratic leadership has passed
to the bureaucratic management style.
The Group is Europe's largest and the world's second-largest slaughterhouse by approx. 22 million slaughterings each year. Danish Crown consists of DC Foods with subunits DC Pork and DC Beef production and marketing in most of the world.
Danish Crown's economy is in a positive developing, suggesting a healthy economy. There have been a few changes, partly because of the global financial crisis and the associated decline in demand and an increase in feed costs, so that it has pushed prices to market plan.
Tican is considered one of the company's main competitors in both the foreign market as well as nationally. A comparison of the two companies gives an impression that Tican costs represent a smaller percentage of revenue than the Danish Crown can provide. However, the difference is not significant due to the size difference, but just to illustrate how other companies have managed to perform in the industry when subjected to the same conditions as
Danish Crown.…

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