Irony in Ian McEwan’s Novel "Amsterdam"
The theme of the present paper is “Irony in Ian McEwan’s novel Amsterdam”. The reasons for writing a paper on this topic are the following. The first reason is that the literature of the language you are studying is one of the main aspects in education. Literature broadens our knowledge of the language, increases the word-stock. The second reason is that an irony as a literary device was used by people for a long time and thus is very important. The last reason is that Ian McEwan is the one of the most prominent representatives of the modern literature who successfully uses this literary device in his novels. The author of this bachelor paper tries to explain the essence of the concept of the irony, to introduce to the readers different types of irony and to show the examples of the irony in the novel “Amsterdam”.
Currently, the main focus is made on the examples of different types of irony in Ian McEwan’s novel “Amsterdam”. Therefore, the aim of the paper is:
to examine the concept of irony, to determine and analyze the examples of different kinds of irony.
The objectives:
study and analysis of scientific literature on the phenomenon of irony
reading and stylistic analysis the novel “Amsterdam”
to find and explain the examples of irony in the novel “Amsterdam”
to classify the examples of irony in the novel “Amsterdam”
The research question:
What is the reason for using a great quantity of different examples of irony in one novel?
The hypothesis:
the main reason for using a great quantity of the examples of irony in the novel is to show the wit of this work, which depicts true–to-life situations and difficult relations in the life of the main characters.
The methods of research:
study of scientific literature on the topic “ Examples of irony in Ian McEwan’s novel “Amsterdam””
stylistic analysis of the novel “Amsterdam”
quantitative analysis of the novel “Amsterdam”…
Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt jēdzienu “ironija”, noteikt un analizēt dažādus ironijas piemērus romānā “Amsterdama”. Pētījuma un informācijas vākšanas metodes: informācijas vākšana un zinātniskās literatūras lasīšana par tēmu ironija un ironijas veidi, romāna “Amsterdama” lasīšana un stilistiskā analizēšana. Īss darba satura izklāsts: dotais darbs sastāv no četrām nodaļām. Pirmā nodaļa paskaidro jēdzienu “ironija” un sniedz ieskatu ironijas veidos. Otrā nodaļa dod priekšstatu par Iana Makjuena biogrāfiju un viņa literāro darbu. Trešā nodaļā ir aprakstīt īss romāna saturs, kurš iekļauj sevī īso atstāstījumu un bakalaura darba autora komentārus. Ceturtā nodaļa satur romāna “Amsterdama” stilistisko analīzi. Pētījuma rezultātā autors izpētīja visus ironijas piemērus romānā “Amsterdama”, sagrupēja un iekļāva tos diagrammā, kura uzskatamāk parāda ironijas proporcionalitāti romānā ‘Amsterdama”.
- Irony in Ian McEwan’s Novel "Amsterdam"
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- Style of Small Talk
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