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The Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity Levels of Lat...-
The Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity Levels of Latvian E-government
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Abstract | 4 | |
Abbreviation Notes | 7 | |
1.1 | Introduction | 8 |
1.2 | Background to research | 9 |
1.3 | Aims and objectives of the research | 9 |
1.4 | Research design and methodology | 10 |
1.5 | Outline of the dissertation | 11 |
Chapter 2 | LITERATURE REVIEW | 12 |
2.1 | Introduction | 12 |
2.2 | Introducing the ‘new government’ | 12 |
2.2.1. | Definition | 12 |
2.2.2. | Major Aim | 15 |
2.3 | Evolution Process | 16 |
2.4 | KM and Connected Government | 18 |
2.4.1. | KM dimensions | 19 |
2.4.2. | Essence of connected government | 20 |
2.4.3. | Effectiveness/efficiency vs Public value | 21 |
2.5 | Evaluation of the performance of e-Government in EU | 22 |
2.5.1. | From E-government to Transformational government | 24 |
2.6 | Delivery Methodologies | 27 |
2.7 | Strategic partnership or PPP (Public Private Partnership) | 30 |
2.7.1. | Definition | 30 |
2.7.2. | Reasons For PPP | 31 |
2.7.3. | Benefits of PPP for E-government | 32 |
2.7.4. | Wide scope of PPP | 33 |
2.8 | E-Government in Latvia | 35 |
2.8.1. | Vision and Mission | 35 |
2.8.2. | Latvian E-gov Today | 36 |
2.9 | Latvia and PPP | 37 |
3.1 | Introduction | 39 |
3.2 | Dependent variable | 39 |
3.3 | Independent Variables | 40 |
3.4 | Relationship Between Variables | 44 |
3.5 | Formulation of Research Questions | 46 |
4.1 | Introduction | 47 |
4.2 | Research design | 47 |
4.2.1. | Research type | 47 |
4.2.2. | Investigation Type | 48 |
4.2.3. | Extent of Researcher Interference with the Study | 48 |
4.2.4. | Unit of Analysis | 49 |
4.2.5. | Sampling Design | 49 |
4.2.6. | Time Horizon | 50 |
4.2.7. | Data Collection Method | 50 |
4.3 | Description of the investigation | 52 |
4.3.1. | Secondary data | 52 |
4.3.2. | Design of the Interviews | 53 |
Chapter 5 | INVESTIGATION | 55 |
5.1 | Introduction | 55 |
5.2 | Short description of the Secretariat of Special Assignment Minister of Electronic Government Affaires | 55 |
5.3 | Research question No 1 | 57 |
5.3.1. | Internet availability | 57 |
5.3.2. | E-government recognition geographically | 59 |
5.3.3. | Subsidies | 61 |
5.4 | Research Question No 2 | 63 |
5.4.1. | Establishment of State Information System | 63 |
5.4.2. | Safety and Confidentiality Procedures | 66 |
5.4.3. | Recognition | 67 |
5.4.4. | E-services evaluation | 68 |
5.4.5. | E-services effectiveness | 70 |
5.4.6. | Partnering | 71 |
5.5 | Research question No3 | 75 |
6.1 | Introduction | 80 |
6.2 | Aims and objectives of the research | 80 |
6.3 | Research Question No1 | 81 |
6.4 | Research question No2 | 82 |
6.5 | Research question No3 | 83 |
6.6 | Overall Conclusions | 84 |
6.7 | Recommendations | 85 |
6.8 | Constraints and limitation | 86 |
6.9 | Future work | 86 |
Bibliography | 88 | |
Galvojums | 92 |
The concept of e-Government is not anymore perceived as a breakthrough in the public sector, in contrast it became one of the major and fundamental issues of governing in the Europe and worldwide [9]. It was an inevitable outcome as it was dictated and assisted by the technological progress processes. Some 15 years ago it was just the first steps in the new sphere of actions, now it is already leapfrogged dramatically. It is seemed to coincide with once offered idea which created a great furore – to make an ‘entrepreneurial’ government [4]; despite the blames that it was the area of ‘science fiction’, looking back through all the years it is evident that it has become the reality. E-government is currently one of the essential issues in every country, and focusing on Europe, the European Commission approves and encourages it, facilitating any improvements [37]. However, the price of innovation quite often costs more than a budget can allow and handle [17]. The alternative was find in another fundamental issue of this dissertation, concept which when cooperating allows ‘to get more for less’ [4]. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is supposed to be the great tool to increase efficiency and productivity. Moreover, if E-Governments are to succeed in modern competition of knowledge-based economy it is crucial to realise the necessity of innovation which can be provided by wisely used PPP.
In Latvia, however, the E-Government itself is rather young; and for this country the cooperation between public and private sector is of paramount importance. The shift to market economy and receiving the sovereignty only 15 years ago influenced the process of integration of the new concepts and technological innovations. As a consequence, Latvia, when analysing the level of the E-Government productivity was ranked between all EU27+ the last.
1.1 Background to research
The very problem of the research was identified when the necessity of dramatic improvements in Latvian e-government became clear. The fact that Latvia has the capacity for better performance is approved by the specialists in this field; however, it is lacking rather substantial factors as infrastructure and integration which are remaining behind.
The research is undertaken in order to study the nature of e-Government and its role in overall public sector, to determine its current obstacles and milestones in reaching the most desired level of productivity and efficiency, i.e. to identify the ways to increase the operational activities of Latvian e-Government; what variables influence a successful innovation-based e-Government strategy. Moreover, the research was tailored to illustrate different delivery methodologies and to find the most appropriate tool in the attempt to increase the operating efficiency and online sophistication.…
The dissertation is written in order to unveil the reasons of low efficiency and productivity levels of Latvian e-Government. The fact that the development level of Latvian e-government is below average among EU27+, emphasizes that such topic is of current issue as the tendency to ‘connected government’ dictates the priorities in Latvia as well as in the rest of Europe. Furthermore, in the dissertation another tendency is defined which states that in a world of rapid change driven by globalisation, the knowledge-based economy poses various challenges but also opportunities for the public sector and the private sector alike, i.e. strong cooperation between two sector is inevitable. The research of the problem is basically divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to thorough literature review according to the topic concerned. The comparison with other EU member states is shown and essential indicators of the evaluation of the e-government performance mentioned. The second part of the research is based on the analysis of the secondary data provided by the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affaires and on the interviews handled with its employees; the institution is responsible for e-government, information society and information technology, policy development, implementation and coordination. The three phases of the development of e-government which are infrastructure, integration and transformation are analysed, basing on that facts are revealed and conclusions made. In addition, possible recommendations provided and future work suggested.
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- The Analysis of Efficiency and Productivity Levels of Latvian E-government
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