Saint Valentine was a well-remembered man. Millions of cards are sent out each year on his feast and death day. People buy chocolates for each other in his honor. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of, bee keepers,epilepsy, fainting, greetings, plague, travellers, and young people. So why do so many people celebrate his feast day? You don't see anyone sending cards that say "Happy Saint Genevieve's Day!" do you? Well, any people find this day to let their loved ones one know how they feel about them. They do this because on this day, Saint Valentitne, not only the patron of bee keepers,epilepsy, fainting, greetings, plague, travellers, and young people, he is also the patron saint of affaianced couple betrothed couples, engaged couples, happy marriages and love. Saint Valentitne, on the observed day of February 14th, died for love.…