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Atlants.lv библиотека
2,49 € В корзину
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Хочешь дешевле?
Опубликованно: 22.04.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The human species is a restless form of life, seeking to expand its influence and "control" over prevailing circumstances in ever-widening ripples of influence. The line between the illusion of control and actual control is not bright and distinct, however. While we have made great changes in our ability to control certain things, control of others remains elusive, and perhaps self-defeating. But, that said, humans strive for control of their circumstances. And that's not a bad thing, believe me.
In my personal belief set, I want the simultaneous full embrace of and focus on every smidge of reality coupled with a complete detachment from that reality. I want both at the same time. Full engagement and full detachment. So, for me, much wisdom lies in the rejection of materialism, at least in spiritual terms. However, I also want to eat well, stay warm, enjoy pleasant and stimulating surroundings, and otherwise maintain my physical existance quite nicely thank-you. Simultaneous detachment and full and complete engagement. But that's just me.

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