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Опубликованно: 06.10.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The study of literature is not like the study of math or science, or even history. While those disciplines are based largely upon fact, the study of literature is based upon interpretation and analysis. There are not clear-cut answers in literature. The rest is a highly subjective reading of what an author has written; each person brings a different set of values and a different background to the reading. As a result, no two people see the piece of literature in exactly the same light, and few critics agree on everything about a book or an author. And in my essay I wanted to show you how I see the novel ’’Jane Eyre’’.
First of all you would like to say some words about the setting and plot of the story.
Chapter 1 to 4 are set at Gateshead Hall where Jane Eyre, as an orphan, leads an unhappy life under the care of her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Reed. Chapter 5 to 10 are set at Lowood School where she spends a wretched childhood and is educated. Chapter 11 to 20 and 22 to 28 describe her life as a governess at Thornfield Hall. Chapter 29 to 35 are set at Marsh End , where Jane lives with, and then near, St. John Rivers and his two sisters, Diana and Mary. Chapter 36 reverts to the ruins of Thornfield Hall. Chaters 37 and 38 are set at Ferndean, where Jane is reunited with Mr. Rochester and settles down to lead a contendet married life.…

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