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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

During the 38 years of reign by Amenhotep III, Egypt reached what Gardener praises as "a zenith of magnificence." Referred to in his time as "The Dazzling Sun Disk" modern historians have dubbed the prosperity and peace of his period the "Golden Age". However, many argue that upon Amenhotep IIIs accession, solid diplomatic policies established by Amenhotep II and Thutmose IV, along with the conquests of Thutmose III prior to them, had assured that Egypt was the richest country in the world and little needed to be done by Amenhotep III to maintain its high status. It is through the evaluation of the relative significance of the main features of Amenhotep IIIs' rule in his Administration, Foreign Policy, Building Program and Religion as forces for change and continuity we are able to assess his contributions and the extent of his impact.
Even though Amenhotep III simply continued his predecessors stable system of collective administration, he was particularly successful.…

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