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Опубликованно: 31.03.2022.
Язык: Латышский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 2 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

As an example, if one employee being a friend of another's, knows that one is going to get fired and shall not spread this information to this particular person, but at the same time, being a friend, equally knows that the person has a loan to be paid on time. Whether to be a loyal friend or a loyal employee is causing an ethical issue to come across.
Another issue that may arise is when a person becomes aware of others' wrongdoing and will have to decide whether to report the incident and become a whistle-blower—an individual who exposes illegal or unethical behaviour in an organization (Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 2010). A decision on how to act in a particular situation is entirely on behalf of a whistle-blower, and one must be aware of the consequences that such a choice may have, which for sure maybe a cause subject to interpersonal relationships in a team.
To summarize everything that has previously been stated, business ethics is a crucial yet doubtful aspect of any organization. In order to take "right" decisions, it is essential to always guide the moral codes, and of course, be able to evaluate the options from various points of view, taking into consideration one's own principles.

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