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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

And so the search for a 'good kill' goes on. The main things that they look at when they are looking for a method seem to be: (a) quick loss of consciousness or sensation, (b) minimal body damage, (c) minimal horror for the witnesses, (d) a low cost and cheap method, (e) a low chance of error, and (f) how far the executioner and the executed are from each other.
For most Americans, it is a great challenge to even care whether or not condemned murderers feel pain in their last and final moments. What about the pain and the agony and the terror of their victims? But still, the public must still take responsibility for what happens in those windowless rooms. The concern must not be for the murderer but for society and what it is doing in the name of justice.
If you still have no opinion about capital punishment, consider this. A black criminal named Alpha Otis Stephens, was executed in Georgia on December 12, 1984 by electrocution. However, the first charge of electricity that they gave him failed do the job and the man struggled to breath for eight minutes before they gave him another charge.(LEO, p.86). How much did he suffer for those eight minutes. Count eight minutes on your watch and imagine through that time, experiencing unimaginable, intense pain. Those would be the longest eight minutes of your life.

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