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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

To conclude, most people with OCD struggle to hide their illness, because of the feeling of shame for doing or thinking bizarre things, Fields (1999). An unfortunate consequence of this secrecy is that some people do not receive professional help until years after the onset of their illness, by which time they may even have learned to live their lives around the rituals. As we have seen the most effective treatments used to treat OCD are a combination of drug, and behaviour therapy. It is a sad fact that most apeople with OCD struggle, unaided by professional help, to banish their obsessive thoughts, and try to prevent themselves from engaging in compulsive behaviour. This resistance can lead to a crippling disorder, with OCD symptoms so severe, that time consuming rituals take over the sufferer's lives, making it impossible for them to continue activities outside the home. More research into the disorder is needed, and perhaps more public awareness of the treatments that are available at present. Though, as with all anxiety disorders de- stigmatisation, of the disorder by general public, especially the media would be a step in the right direction.…

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