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  • Consultative Report Discussing the Implications of Current Employment Law with Regards to Collective Consultation


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Опубликованно: 02.08.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

7.2.2Interactive Communication
Meetings - There should be regular departmental and Directorate meetings held, allowing information to flow bottom-up as well as top-down. Meetings are a basic way of communicating and passing on information to staff. They can provide a forum for staff to raise issues of immediate concern to them.
Briefing/Discussion Groups - The advantage of briefing groups is that they enable supervisors to take on the role of workgroup communicators. They also provide staff with a 'safe' environment amongst people they know to allow genuine two-way communication.
Conferences/Seminars - These are meetings of selected employees who come together to discuss a particular issue/problem. The emphasis of these is placed on questioning and group discussion.
Quality Circles - Consisting of a group of people within an organisation, a quality circle is where the objective is to identify, analyse and solve problems on quality, productivity and other aspects of everyday working life.
No one way of communication will be sufficient to accommodate for anyone organisation, nor will all be necessary to implement. …

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