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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Summed up, it can be said thus, that by creating an open, friendly, relaxed and supporting working climate, that is also highly effective and dedicated to succeed, Google has adapted the ultimate informal corporate culture. Rob Goffee's and Gareth Jones' have defined culture as a "...community. It is an outcome of how people relate to each other"(What Holds the Modern Company Together?; R. Goffee + G. Jones; HBR 1996). They believe that there are four types of communities, identified by the degree of sociability and solidarity that exists in any organisation. Taking their view into account, Google has attained a communal culture; that is a culture, where sociability as well as solidarity is high, meaning that there are strong relationships between the employees, but at the same time work gets done effectively and efficiently and the collective will to succeed is high.
Evidently, a large portion of Google's success has been achieved thanks to this culture and the attitudes, ideas and believes that are shared by all the employees. That is mainly because, through its culture, Google has achieved exactly what a company needs, to be a world leader in its industry. It has attracted exceptionally skilled employees that complement each other and that are utterly committed to the company. Plus, the open, supportive environment generates greater flow of information between the employees and thus helps innovation.

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