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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Ever since the death penalty has been declared constitutional in 1976, thousands of people have been placed on death row and 314 of them have been executed.( Yaffe,1) Thirty-eight states now allow the death penalty, with New York being the last to adapt this legislation last March. Massachusetts and Iowa have been trying to pass a law that would to allow the death penalty to be used in their states. Capital punishment is most often saved for murder and sometimes arson, treason, burglary, and forcible rape of a 14 year old or under from a 18 year old or older, but it varies within each state. There are many politicians who are trying to pass laws banning the death penalty. There are around 3000 people on death row across the country right now and if these politicians get their way, then 3000 lives will be spared.(Matthews,1) The rage of this issue continues to persist with many people questioning if capital punishment is really the answer to solving the problem of crime. The death penalty should be allowed because it is not inhumane but rather fair and it's continued use will end up helping out society in many ways.…

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