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Опубликованно: 29.07.2003.
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Фрагмент работы

A plan is also very helpful in dealing with your suppliers, advertisers, attorney, accountant, auditor, investors and business consultants.
On the article, which focuses on the strategic planning from the Information Systems department's (IS) point of view, shows us how little importance was given to strategic planning when need for new technology implementation arrived. Everyone was too busy making numbers that would at the end cost the company way more numbers than the ones they were making and calculating.
The vast opportunities for growth is what motivated the CEO and CIO's to develop new and better ways to come up with a strategic plan that will allow the whole information system to work smoothly.
"Now, a good IS plan has to keep in mind the internal customers as well as the external customers and vendors, and IS has to work closely with the business side to make sure IS is helping the company stay competitive," he continues. "The two sides have to work together or a plan will fail," says John Braucksieker, corporate director of IS for the International Wire Group Inc. in St. Louis.

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