"Next famous one is PECOS, he developed E-Procurement solutions and offers E-Marketplace. Their central framework is collaborative e-commerce. For example SupplierPortal Site: Suppliers access and interface with PECOS.iem through the SupplierPortal Site, a uniform interface for suppliers to the eMarketplace. Suppliers self enroll and can access orders, RFQs, Reverse Auction and other interface functions. PECOS.iem supports product information standards including RosettaNet, cXML and CBL, enabling suppliers to leverage existing investments in other content formats. Easy to use tools allow suppliers to accept and interface with transactions and quickly update catalog content and prices to provide their clients with timely and accurate information."2 Secondly they offer BuyerPortal Site and many others.
Term E-commerce is part of our lives, though to say honestly not everybody realize it. Maybe a lot of people use it every day and still they do not understand and know what they use, just like me some time ago.