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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Within this I have attempted to consider the influence of a modernized local government with the existing Public Sector Ethos. As Great Britain develops as a multi-cultural nation with individuals having a wide range of diverse needs there will always be a struggle to meet all the needs of society. As the current public sector services (especially Local government) have been in existence for a long time it is obvious that there needs to be changes to accommodate present day society. Although I have pointed out a series of problems in my assignment with a market orientation and the Public Service Ethic there is room for compromise. I personally feel that there are no perfect answers to the problems I have identified, although, the key to ensuring the best possible services is communication with users. Communication has the benefit of enabling users to feel valued and also constantly hearing their views and opinions. Only with good communication can the public ethos be upheld otherwise we are not providing users with the service they want. Without communication we can not respond to their needs.

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