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Опубликованно: 15.04.2003.
Язык: Английский
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11.1 Conclusion
Overall, Suntec Singapore has achieved favourable ratings from customers. Perhaps it should look at its pricing to bring it to a competitive level since it garnered low ratings.
The overall marketing communications for Suntec Singapore is successful as can be seen that all of its customers are aware of its rebranding. The number of accolades and awards it has received is also testimony to the success of its marketing communications.
The fact that Singapore being ranked as the top convention city in Asia and the 5th convention city in the world shows that the contributions of Suntec Singapore is significant. This is because it is Singapore's only full facilities world-class convention centre.
Suntec Singapore should continue to keep up with its marketing communications efforts and work closely with STB in promoting Singapore as a top destination for MICE.
11.2 Recommendations
In looking at the promotional mix of Singapore Intelligence Centre, these are a few recommendations to improve on its promotional plan.
11.2.1 Targeting the China and India Market
Singapore Intelligence Centre should consider targeting China and India as potential markets for MICE. Statistics has shown that the Chinese and Indian markets are growing steadily despite the economic slump in the world. It would be a worthwhile effort to woo groups from these countries to Singapore for meetings.

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