There have been, and still continue to be, many advancements in the automobile industry. In the beginning of automobile technology, around the 1880's, automobiles actually started out as electric powered. Because of the inefficiency of the electric vehicle technology of that time gasoline powered vehicles became more widely used. At the beginning, this new invention of a "horseless carriage" was thought of as a fluke. During this time it was unthinkable that a "carriage" could be pulled without a horse. However, nowadays, automobiles are the main source of transportation worldwide. There are the internal combustion vehicles (gasoline powered cars), and fast growing sales and demand of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV's). Even though there are many differences as well as similarities, between these two major forms of transportation, Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV's) have increased fuel efficiency, less energy loss and are much more environmentally friendly compared to traditional vehicles.
HEV's combine the internal combustion engine of a conventional vehicle with the electric battery and motor of an electric car. …