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Опубликованно: 10.08.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

The conclusions were that some children, under some circumstances may be adversely affected by media violence, but that the roots of aggressive, anti-social behaviour supposedly leading to societal breakdown went much deeper than mere exposure to media violence, the most likely cause being some lack in the child's life, such as a broken home or feelings of rejection.
There is a lot of violence in the world today, but that isn't TV's fault...violence is caused by a number of things but TV isn't one of them ...so, TV didn't steal the cookie from the cookie jar either.
Have you ever heard the phrase "guns don't' kill people, people kill people", well that applies here too. TV doesn't hurt society, society hurts society. Cain didn't need TV to influence him to kill Abel, cavemen didn't need TV to influence them to inflict acts of savagery and violence on one another...so why should you? Violence has always and will continue to be a part of society regardless of television. In Afghanistan television programs and films were censored to only show what the Taliban wanted and just look at how quickly that society crumbled.
Violence on TV and in movies is unfairly blamed for the breakdown of society because ultimately it is not the cause of the violence that is contributing to the breakdown of society. As I said before: TV doesn't hurt society, society hurts society.

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