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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

These above mentioned facts are not only for governmental organizations but also apply to such public and private organizations who deal in strategic materials such as again arms and ammunitions.
Hence, he does not compare the governmental bureaucracy with that of the private ownerships. Today, not for managers the shareholder alone is not the stakeholder; they have to cater to the needs of many sections of the society such as customers, suppliers, public agencies, etc.
But, what we have been noticing in the past few decades have been that the poorer sections of the society have been abandoned and the richer sections are becoming richer day-by-day. Moreover, bribery and immorality have crept into the systems of the society.
Hence, Du Gay prefers that bureaucracy for organizations and societies are the best in the interest of the society because it has worked well for a long time and have given better results than what is being seen all over today, such as financial market collapses, etc.

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