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Опубликованно: 14.06.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Many parents are concerned that Inclusion models of education remove medical labels which results in lessened support. This is supported by Wright (1999), who suggests many parents misinterpret the push for the "least restrictive environment concept". Teachers concerns can also be related, to attitudes and expectations. Thorley, Hotchkis, and Martian believe that Teachers Inclusive education concerns such as curriculum, the specific nature of the disability, and levels of professional development are related to current perceptions of Special Education framework. Thorley, Hotchkis, and Martian (1995) and Ennio (1995) suggest the development of a more effective interface between regular and special education will lead to unified approach in facilitating individuals with special educational needs. In general, the arguments for and against Inclusive education contain many complex, interrelated components. At the present time the positives appear to outweigh the negatives. The identification of these arguments does acknowledge that no matter what the arguments, that teaching is an extremely inspiring and important profession. An assessment of the positive and negative aspects Inclusive education emphasizes the need to provide an approach that is holistic, compassionate and rational.…

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