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Опубликованно: 15.09.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

In his political rhetoric, there is a tendency to authoritarianism and clear sympathy for the personality of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he called
an example of successful authoritarian rule. On the one hand, Hungary condemned Russia for annexing Crimea, and on the other, Viktor Orban said that Hungary will not be part of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, pointing out the ineffectiveness of economic sanctions, as well as
holding personal meetings with Vladimir Putin on a par with Slovakia.11 In conclusion, it is worth once again emphasizing the importance of Russian influence
on the functioning of the Visegrad group. Russia uses various tactical and strategic aspects of
cooperation between the V4 countries, mostly “playing” on prices and energy supplies to the
V4 countries. Russia's motivation is a negative perception of the Visegrad group as such,
directed against its interests, and therefore, Russia considers it necessary to form a “split” in
the work of the V4 countries and bring relations to the bilateral level. Differences in the
assessment of security risks, economic interests, and the effectiveness of economic sanctions
against Russia also play a huge role in shaping the overall, progressive agenda of the Visegrad
group. Russia uses methods of manipulating public consciousness, also taking into account the
personalities of the presidents of the V4 countries, their differences in policy towards Ukraine
and Russia, which rests on the lack of institutional mechanisms in the work of the Visegrad
group. This state of affairs may significantly weaken the effectiveness of the Visegrad group
countries, since it is unlikely that clear coordinated results will be achieved with different goals
and views.…

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