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Опубликованно: 16.04.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Some say that it is "one of the least important factors you can have" (DiChristina 76). In the end it is debatable whether the International Space Station will give us enough scientific information to make the planning, cost, and maintenance worthwhile. One of the main topic to be researched, protein crystals are fragile and with a single bump, which happens a lot in space, the project is ruined (Kluger 91). There is no information of yet that is going to tell anyone the outcome of the experiments on the International Space Station. It is a complex machine that may create fantastic results or become a large waste of time and effort, but until the world tries, it will never know which might be the most disappointing thing of all. For now, all anyone has is hope for a brighter future, and the chance that the International Space Station may bring them a step closer to that reality. "The orbiting laboratory serves as a symbol of our future. A future that embodies the dreams of our children and that promises untold discoveries for the next millennium. One that fulfills our innate human nature to explore. And one that benefits all people of all nations." (Goldin 11) The International Space Station is the beginning. It is the beginning of a world that is working towards a better understanding of everything around it.…

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