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Sadly, since predominantly black schools are generally in poorer school districts in this country, in many ways, this inequality in facilities and available funding still persists.
After Jim Crow
<Tab/>Despite the fact that Jim Crow injustice no longer exists, the equality of education that desegregation was suppose to bring has largely failed to materialize (Cose 36). Jane Schofield, an expert on both education and race, has concluded from her review of desegregation research that while desegregation has put more blacks into more schools, including colleges, it has not substantially improved African American academic achievement (Cose 36).
While desegregation has apparently boosted the reading scores of some black children, it has had no apparent impact on the math kills of African American youngsters (Cose 36). However, Schofield also points out that this does not indicate what true integration might be capable of in the way of improved achievement for black students, because a defacto segregation still exists within the schools. …

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