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Опубликованно: 31.05.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

To get success in this world we need to do right things at the right time. It is very important to trust yourself- to be self confident, but it is not the main thing. Sometimes we need a little help –right motivation, suggestions. There is a kind of people who want to be a leader, but there are some who want to be manageable. Life is life and it prepared cast for every person. We need managers, directors, bus drivers, bakers, and teachers and so on. Every person is important in the place they are.
Carlos Ghosn has shown good example how to manage employees. He has been rushing in to a new workplace, to work with different culture employees and to be a leader for them. I think it is a big adventure to work like this. However, Ghosn cope with this situation excellent and both sides were satisfied. Ghosn cope with challenge faster as they planned. Maybe it is because he learned to manage operations under adverse conditions.
Problem in Nissan was a tendency to emphasize short term market share growth rather than profitability or long term strategic success. Nissan designs had not reflected customer’s opinion, and this is a big mistake. Nissan is a very well known company in the world and as we know from management theory every company have the time when it is successful, have enough money but they missing ideas, innovations. That is the critical time for a company. To solve the problem is necessary to have good manager with unusual ability- like a Ghosn.

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