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Опубликованно: 29.07.2006.
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The cost of the current uniform items targeted for replacement will be approximately $300 per sea bag. All enlisted Sailors get an annual uniform stipend of approximately $300, however, there will be out of pocket cost for all Officers of approximately $300-500 for the BDU's and the extras...insignia, caps, underwear...etc. There are 200 personnel in a squadron or ship's department that creates a price tag of approximately $130,000 per unit for trashing the old sea bag while purchasing all uniform items for the new uniform requirements. Further, the contact has not been awarded for manufacturing the Navy's BDU, but with approximately 552,000 active and reserve Sailors, the price tag approaches $165,600,000, that a fairly staggering number.
In conclusion, the importance of the four "P's", Product, Place, Promotion and Price was shown to be interwoven within the marketing mix of all organizations. The author used three scenarios to describe how the four" P"s are used in the marketing of a product. The Navy was selected as the organization to describe the introduction and marketing of a new Navy BDU. The Navy organization utilized Product, Place, Promotion and Price to introduce the new BDU uniform which reduced the need to maintain a several expensive non functional uniforms; the BDU will be the Navy's all purpose work uniform.

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