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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

According to me, it would be wrong in any case for the society to ban the use of mobile phone, or for that matter, any technology, since in this case the society would be infringing on the freedom of the individual. It would be better to leave the decision to the individuals themselves, because the first person who would be affected by the technology would be the individual only. Even today, we find people who don?t use mobile phones for the very reasons mentioned above. Hence it can be expected that the individuals themselves can take a decision in this regard. Using a mobile phone is actually a matter of optimizing convenience and privacy for an individual. Different people would draw a line at a different point. Therefore, respecting the freedom of the individual, it would be better to leave the choice to the individual rather than forcing a decision on him.
Given everything about a technology, even then it is impossible to know what impact it would have on the society. For technology is a Janus faced phenomena, and it may affect society in a manner which would be entirely unexpected of it. That is, it would be foolish to expect that a technology would always work out in a manner expected of it by a person who wields it. The morality of any technology is not only determined by the morality of the message it contains, but also the inherent properties of the technology which come into picture as soon as the technology is used in a certain manner.

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