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Опубликованно: 21.03.2007.
Язык: Английский
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  Report: How has the business environment surrounding the UK music industry changed in the last 5 years and how has this affected the industry?    2
Фрагмент работы

In many ways, the present situation of business environment surrounding the UK music industry is changed and this report will shows three stages of music industry development, also it will examine statistics from UK music industry market. Let’s look at statistic in 2002:

“In 2002, record companies sold over 225 million albums in the United Kingdom. Even though sales of LPs and cassettes decreased, CD sales continued to increase, with 3 million more CDs sold in 2002 than in the previous year. Fifty seven per cent of people aged 12 to 74 purchased at least one album in 2002, whereas 16 per cent purchased at least one single.1”

Thus we can see that in the beginning of 21st century music industry was growing business and record manufacturers and record distributors had really good profit. People were becoming more concerned about music and started to buy more CD’s. Moreover, we can see that CD’s became the number one technology for listening music and LP’s and cassettes were becoming the 20th century product. Thus changes were not only in socio-cultural aspect, but also in technological environment around music industry. Furthermore, TV started to show musical shows, where casual people could develop their musical skills and became stars. Such organisations as MTV also were making profit and became more and more valuable not only in the music world, but in the society.…

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