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Atlants.lv библиотека
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Опубликованно: 07.10.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Point of sale material needs to be used here. Nokia are using the retail sector in two ways, the use of there own retail outlets where there is little competent other than from different shops as well as the majority medium which is via the independent retailers who may be tied to specific networks, but stock a range of mobile telephones. Promotions such as competitions including treasure hunts, the Nokia club and other incentive helps to keep existing customers as well as attract new ones (Creative Review, 2000). This also includes the use of advertising material in shops as well as information and incentives to the shops that sell the telephones; this may include direct and indirect pressure. This may be slightly unethical if position is used unfairly, but it can also be seen as a strategy that has been used by Nokia in terms of influencing the actual purchase facilitation.
Those were the five points of the communications effect and how they have been used in different countries in being adapted to the relevant cultures. This is not cheap, and although advertising budgets are hard to obtain if the budget in one country alone for a single year was 13 million pound then we must assume that the advertising budget must be extremely large, especially when compared to smaller competitors. However, the communication appears to be effective as they are now the number one mobile phone company, and appear to be relatively secure in that position.

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