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Опубликованно: 05.03.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

I preferred the mentioned above theme to the rest ones because I think that it is the most important – to know what kind of words, what sort of phrases, etc. to use in particular situations or occasions. I also consider that words are one more form of our thoughts, which of course can be expressed differently. And that is called style. What we put in those meanings, what and how we use the words (to the point or off the point, mood, character, etc.) is very important. Because depending on all those factors, as well as the number of other ones, such as creativeness, or being very limited, the style is being formed.
I think that style is a very precise and at the same time flexible term. There can be many kinds of styles of speech – official, newspaper, colloquial, poetic, etc., but there can be also made another kind of division, not applied often, though. So there should be such concept as “personal style” invented, which, in its turn, may be subdivided into the following kinds of the speaker’s attitudes: positive and negative. Sometimes in spite of the cruel necessity to stay absolutely indifferent to what one says, some people, the speakers in particularly, cannot withhold themselves only due to their “inflammability”. And that is of course the talent – to be able to console oneself, to stay calm, to withhold your anger, tears, emotions, impressions, attitude, etc. To my mind, many journalists are deprived of this necessary for their profession trait – to conceal their own emotions. Sometimes when you watch TV and want to see the independent reflection of affairs and investigation, you may be deeply disappointed by listening to someone’s point of view when it is not needed at all. Some reporters seem to forget the real intentions of their profession – to reflect facts, and only, without giving the answers.
It is my opinion that style is a very necessary thing for everyone, but especially for those dealing with media (press, TV, radio etc.), politics, journalism, literature. In fact, it is very hard to find the layer of society, the business or any other place where writing or reading would not be applied at all. And it is not true if you would tell that it was earlier when people were in need of those “speaking right and to the point”.

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