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Опубликованно: 29.05.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

The wikipedia definition leans more to the building of relations with key audiences.The use of direct communication (carrying messages directly to constituents, rather than through the mass media) with, e.g., newsletters - in print and e-letters. Collateral literature, traditionally in print and now predominantly (in most cases) as Web sites. Speeches to constituent groups and professional organizations; receptions; seminars, and other events; personal appearances. The use of direct communication helps solidfy the bond and tends to keep out layers of uneeded information.
Finally, In comparison the of definitions of Public Relations, the more complex definition comes from the Public Relations Society Of America, which takes PR through an evolutuion, a cradel to grave type of view. With this overall view we would tend to look at the organizations affect on the target market. While the others define PR as just a bond or attractant between the organization and the target market.

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