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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

A recent study conducted by Education Digest indicated that
77 percent of teenagers believe that there is racism at their
school. Another staggering 75 percent said that the student body at their particular school is socially segregated. More remarkably, the survey indicated that over 86 percent of high school students feel that there is racism in their communities.
The magazine, which circulates 500,000 copies to over 1,900 schools, polled 285 high school juniors and seniors across the country. The poll shows that racism is not just a problem among adults; rather, it is a problem for youth as well (Schroeder, 67).
A common misconception is that children are not capable of prejudice at early age. Yet, this is not true. In 1984 a study by Darlene and Derek Hopson showed this. The study replicated a famous 1930's study, where both black and white students were given dolls of various colors and asked to state which doll was the 'bad' doll, and which was the 'good' doll.

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