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Опубликованно: 28.04.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Also we can say that in a way Ceausescu's system worked because around 1970s baby boom really increased. Actually the amount of newborn babies doubled and it is a huge increase.
Another but not a very important factor in this context were animal rights. They used male frogs to identify if the woman is pregnant or not. After a while frogs were exhausted and they used a lot of them, which of course is not showing any empathy to the animals.
(3) explaining the social factors which prevented the full implementation of the Ceausescu project.
First of all a lot of women did those secret/unprofessional abortions. Also a lot of doctors supported women and helped them (because of that later the government put police officers in hospitals, they also interrogated those women with really harsh methods).
Another factor was poverty which played a huge role. People didn't have money to buy food, clothes etc. for their children so they tried to avoid the birth of new children even more. After a while of this regime, married people even avoided to have sex.…

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