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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Gas grills available today fit two profiles: premium quality and everything else. Although there are good products made reputable manufacturers like Kenmore and Weber, their appearance is similar to that of their lower quality counterparts. Nearly all are made with a black-painted cast aluminum firebox mounted on a black-painted square tubular steel frame. It is difficult to reconcile the wide range of prices with products of similar appearance. Even when presented with a superior list of features, potential customers are reminded of the $120 gas grill they had in college.
Similar to the stainless steel construction of premium grills from companies like Jenn-Air, The Honda Gas Grill stands out in appearance. Endorsed by Honda, consumers will transfer their automatic assumption of Honda's superior quality to the grill. Stressing and demonstrating that the thermometer and igniter actually work emphasizes the quality of the Honda Gas Grill. At the same time, poor quality is reassigned to the closest competition.
Pricing places the Honda Gas Grill in between the premium grills and the higher quality standard style grills. The competition in this price range is from companies with poor brand recognition who are likely to be associated with the poor quality brands.

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