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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Hotels are world-beaters. They provide people comfort and luxury with over the edge technology. How do hotels function in this vast competitive market of travel and tourism? How do hotels operate by inculcating all the diversity and varied factors of globalisation? How do they develop themselves into a successful establishment by gaining an edge over its competitors? Dubai and its Burj AL Arab hotel are certainly successful cases. The aims and objectives of the project is to analyse and distinguish various strategies, which Burj AL Arab hotel follows to align with the risk environment in Dubai it functions, in order to increase its profit and to be one of the finest world recognition.
Dubai is situated in United Arab Emirates, which is bordered in the north by Arabian Gulf, east and south by sultanate of Oman and Saudi and to the west by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. It is a predominant Muslim country with Islam as its main religion. The country has a large dependence on oil and natural gas exports where business also follows. This has encouraged the flourishing of a large number of hotels in Dubai, which has created a lot of tourists visiting the country over a long period of time.
Burj AL Arab is referred to as the "Arabian tower". Centrally located in Dubai and with a height of 321m, it is the tallest hotel in the world. The hotel was built on a man made island 280m offshore, appearing to look like a sail or a "jib" to devout sailors. It has a total of 202 duplex suites and it is an all suite hotel.

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