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Опубликованно: 09.03.2017.
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The mentioned stereotypes were true at one point in history, but the present-day meaning of the cornflower is different and does not suit it. The semantic field of this text is cornflower that is made up of words like Nazis, Australia and the Freedom Party. This flower is a part of the Australia’s nature context but its image has gained an unpleasant meaning to the inhabitants.
I didn’t have any prior knowledge of the cornflower before I read this article. I did not know how much trouble and contradiction a flower can cause. But the text is informative and easily understandable. The author vocabulary does not seem very rich, based on the confusing sentence at the beginning of the article. The word inn in the sentence “We are sitting in an inn in Untersiebenbrunn” could be replaced with the words hotel, motel or hostel. It would make it less confusing.

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