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Опубликованно: 02.02.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Translation often is seen as a mechanical transfer of a text from one language into another, but it is not more substitution of words in one language by words in another language. It is communication process. Good is translation which meets the requirements of the new communicative situation.
Ieva Zauberga basic standpoints in translation divided into four steps, the first is “the theory may help”. Reliability in translation are user’s needs, to cope with this task it is much too little for the translator to have just the linguistic competence. S/he must to analyze the original, define the purpose of the text and choose the right translation strategy. A professional translator should know what s/he is doing, should be able to talk about over a translation and justify her/himself about any word. So, theoretical tools are necessary to become a good translator.
The second step by Ieva Zauberga is formed by two different ways to approach translation. Source – oriented translation could be defined as creation of equivalent textual material in another language. To translate in this way the translator must see the whole process from inside, not from the user’s point of view.…

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