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Transnistria’s Dependence on Russia as the Main Obstacle ...-
Transnistria’s Dependence on Russia as the Main Obstacle for Moldova´s Territorial Integrity
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | Why Transnistria matters? | 4 |
2. | Russia´s levers of influence in Transnistria | 8 |
2.1. | Political-military aspects | 8 |
2.2. | Economic aspects | 10 |
2.3. | Social aspects | 13 |
3. | Main challenges for Transnistria's reintegration with Moldova | 14 |
Conclusions and recommendations | 17 | |
References | 19 |
Conclusions and recommendations
Moldovan- Transnistrian conflict occurred on the territory of Post Soviet states in 1992. Since then, Transnistria has developed into a de-facto state without international recognition. Despite of the conducted cease-fire and efforts of international community and main actors, this political-ethnic conflict has remained unresolved.
The unrecognised separatist entity is a main obstacle for Moldova´s territorial integrity and decelerates Moldova´s integration towards EU. Not less important, Russia has been the de facto guarantor of Transnistria’s autonomy, through the presence of Russian troops, economic engagement and social sphere support to secure their own interests. Given conflict, already existed for two decades in sphere of strong influence of Russia, has been the great challenge for the de facto country, as well as to the mother country.
Recent developments on political scene have shown that there is some evidence that the window of opportunity is now available for resolving the Moldovan - Transnistrian conflict. In author´s opinion of this essay - it is nessecary to conduct the internal as well as external actors in the conflict resolution process. Recommendations have been made in consideration of political-military aspects, as well as economic and social aspects, that is refleceted througout of this paper. Following proposals are important to take into consideration by all counterparties to resolve the question of Transnistria’s status in the context of Moldova’s territorial integrity:
1. To improve overall situation: create a structure and detailed strategy for reunification of Moldova and Transnistria; recognize security concerns; compose transparent laws and regulations; keep Transnistrian conflict in negotiations; persuade Russia to hold peacekeeping operation under OSCE mandate; increase human rights issues;
2. To create foundation for democracy: increase transparency of policies and acts towards Transnistria; dividing of power in hierarchy system, participation in elections and creating parlament seats for Transnistrian population; remove Russian troops, munition and military equipment from territory of Transnistria.
3. To develop economic aspects: creation of neutral, international resource center– in consideration of enhanced trade regulations, economic market agreements and increased fundings; trade and financial flows monitorings; also, lower the benefits of Transnistrian business and authorities. …
Transnistria as the de facto state appeared on the scene in the early 1990´s as the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse. Since then, Transnistria remains a contested territory which officially belongs to Moldova, but has managed to create its own attributes of statehood, seeking international recognition. The claim to statehood of this entity presents a great challenge to Moldova’s territorial integrity, created by the “certain circles” in the Kremlin with the sole purpose of keeping Moldova under Russia’s sphere of influence. Protected by different arrangements and a continuing Russian military presence, Transnistria has developed into a de-facto state without international recognition and heavily dependent on Russia. This dependence on Russia has been the focal point of this study. The aim of this essay is to analyse Russia´s influence in Transnistria and the main challenges in Moldovan-Transnistrian conflict.
- Democracy and Its Problems. Latvia after 1990
- Modern Political Theories. Behavioralism
- Transnistria’s Dependence on Russia as the Main Obstacle for Moldova´s Territorial Integrity
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