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Опубликованно: 28.10.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 1 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

There are different approaches how to idetify crisis, but I will explain theories that are made by O. Lerbinger. He distributes seven types of crises. They are : natural crises, technological crises, Confrontation crises, crises of malevolance, crises of skewed management values, crises of deception and crises of management misconduct. I will explain more precisely all of these seven crisis. To remember easier, we can divide crisis in two parts : Acts of God (natural) and man-made. (other crises) We can’t blame God for an earthquake, but we can blame, for example, electrician, if something breaks down with electric power supply.

Natural crisis

These crisis most usually are called disasters and they are such nature phenomenon like earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, lightning, waves, storms,floods, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters which ruin people properties, lives and environment itself. Strategies how to deal all crises are similar for natural and other types of crises, but there is one significant difference: Al­though efforts can be undertaken to avoid or decrease the occurrence of a technological crisis, the same cannot be done with a natural crisis1
As I mentioned earlier this type is also called “acts of God” and it is because of the fact, that these crisis are uncontrollable by human.…

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