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Atlants.lv библиотека
Особые предложения 2 Открыть
7,49 € В корзину
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Опубликованно: 13.12.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

"«Features: Offers x standard exterior colors and y interior colors. It also offers an option of individually customizing your car in terms of colors (exterior & interior) and wheels. Customers who prefer their car to have a sporty look can do so by consulting the sport division of BMW (Alpina). The 745i is considered to have shocked the car industry with its highly technological innovative features such as being the first car to have a 6-speed automatic gearbox and have all controls of the car at the user's fingertips so as to allow the user to have as much concentration as possible on the road.
"«Brand Name: BMW has created a unique brand name for its products. The 7-series shows this uniqueness to a great extent compared to the other BMW models.
"«Added Service: The Company offers customers the ability to communicate with the management and sales department via the internet. Another service is the ability to get road assistance wherever the user is with the help of GPS; the technicians send an engineer within 100 meters of the user to offer him/her assistance.
"«Warranty: BMW offers a 3-year or 60,000 KM (whichever comes first) warranty on the 745i, after which the user is responsible for all repairs.
"«Pricing Strategy: BMW price fluctuates with the Euro price.
"«List Price: 745 starts at DHS 250,000 reaching DHS 330,000. The 745i has a base price of DHS 250,000.
"«Discounts: The 745i offers an DHS 18,000 discount bringing down the price to DHS 232,000. This discount is only available for government officials and Diplomatic VIPs.
"«Advertising: they use the local newspapers like al Khaleej, al Ittihad, al Bayan, and Gulf News etc. to advertise for their products. They also use posters on the road and they advertise in many magazines and also in shopping malls.
"«Sales Promotion: BMW does not offer any special sales promotions.

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